Open file /var/opt/oragrid/binaries/hpi/response/additional_agent.rsp and do the following changes:
ORACLE_AGENT_HOME_LOCATION=[directory where agent software will be installed, e.g. /var/opt/oragrid]
OMS_HOST=[server's name where OMS is installed]
OMS_PORT=[server's port, default 4889]
If you are installing an agent in a RAC, change also:
CLUSTER_NODES="[node1's name],[node2's name],..."
If you don't want to mess with server's oracle central inventory, use a custom inventory, by creating an oraInst.loc file, e.g. /var/opt/oragrid/oraInst.loc.
Open it and add:
inventory_loc=[path where this inventory will be placed, e.g. /var/opt/oragrid/oraInventory]
inst_group=[agent's user group, dba or oinstall]
Go to /var/opt/oragrid/binaries/hpi/agent/install and run:
runInstaller -invPtrLoc /var/opt/oragrid/oraInst.loc -silent -responseFile /var/opt/oragrid/binaries/hpi/response/additional_agent.rsp
If you are installing in a RAC, find cluster name:
cd $CRS_HOME/bin
./cemutlo -n
Now, run:
runInstaller -invPtrLoc /var/opt/oragrid/oraInst.loc -silent -responseFile /var/opt/oragrid/binaries/hpi/response/additional_agent.rsp -CLUSTER_NAME=[cluster name] CLUSTER_NODES="{[node1's name],[node2's name],...}"
There is a bug that fills emagent.trc pretty fast.
So, at the end, install patch 9756966.
Finally, run [agent's home]/ as root.
In the RAC installation, all onoff patches that were supposed to be installed after agent's installation, failed, because although I had specified my custom oraInst.loc in the runInstaller command, OPatch was using oraInst.loc under agent's home directory.
Probably, you will not face this issue, if you don't specify a custom inventory.
If that happens also to you, go to [agent's home]/install/oneoffs/111010 and install them manually.
If you try to monitor a 9i database not in patchset, you will probably get many ORA-07445 in the alert log and core dumps in your database's cdump directory.
To fix this, edit [agent's home]/sysman/config/ and add the parameter AvoidOCIPing=1.
Then, restart the agent.